Launching a coin
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Launching a coin through First Ledger is super easy! 20 xrp to launch a token 100 xrp at a minimum for LP (which is burned) 2.82 xrp for account reserves Couple things to note before launching a coin 1. All liquidity provided during creation will be burned. 2. you will have 7 days to claim dev allocation. Please claim your tokens. 3. All tokens launched through the First Ledger launchpad, the issuer will be blackholed. This basically means they are unable to mint more tokens post launch. How to launch a coin 1. Go to 2. Click the create a token button located at the top of the page 3. Fill in all token information and make sure to double-check everything is correct. 4. You will then be prompted to either view chart of claim dev allocation. PLEASE CLAIM DEV ALLOCATION AS IT WILL BE BURNED IF NOT CLAIMED WITHIN A 7 DAY PERIOD. If you run into any issues while launching a token please join our support channel on discord or shoot us a message on twitter!